Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hardscape, and a painful goodbye

We've had a small retaining wall between front lawn and driveway for several months. In the last couple weeks, we've added to this and we think that it helps to finish the look. We still need to reseed the lawn in tiny front yard, but there are some nice touches to these hardscapes. For instance, there is a low wall now across the front of yard.

This is the southeast corner of property. There are a few sapling trees in this corner, and maybe next year, we'll build some sort of enclosure for the recycling bins next to it.

A couple steps up to assist in pulling out the garden hose, accessing the utility meter, etc. We may put some sort of low-lying bush here. It depends on if the meter readers can aim their wireless units through the bush to get the reading.

A nice touch to the entry steps.

I'm very sad to report that we had to put Mosa down Friday night. She seemed to be recovering fine from her routine dental procedure about a week ago. We had started the subcutaneous fluid injections at home that she was going to require probably for the duration of her life (however long that would be) due to her kidney disease. She was picking at one of the IV sites, and trying to pull the bandages off - hard to do without teeth but she was trying.

On Tuesday, at postop followup visit, vet gave her an antibiotic injection and we brought pills home. She started declining almost immediately, and we thought perhaps she was reacting to the antibiotic. She was listless on Thursday, crawling under her favorite blanket. Because this is fairly typical for her, we didn't read it as a sign she knew she was dying and finding a place to hide, as animals often do.

I'm considering putting up a separate album of photos of the cats on Flickr, to memorialize her, but right now here are a couple of my favorites of our Tiny Diva.

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