Monday, October 12, 2009

Moving Back In

I've been threatening all along to do a seriously country kitchen, chicken wall paper and cookie jar, farm animal tiles for backsplash, etc. None of that happened of course, but we found this sweet little thing and had to bring her home. $11 at Pier 1.

Now that the floors are done and more or less "cured", we've been accumulating furniture. The Living Room still looks pretty barren. But so far, we have the aforementioned couch. Red leather, power motion recline - think automatic seat adjustment in a fancy car. Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

This weekend, we found some mission-style end tables and a small coffee table. We can't put anything big in front of couch because of the two reclining seats. L had them assembled within an hour and will stain them this week.

We had been looking for either occasional chairs or a loveseat / settee. We found this on sale, and L negotiated $200 or about 15% off the price, and got delivery at half-price.

This one below was on the short list (Pier 1 !!), but we ended up going back to leather for the durability, and ease of cleaning, esp since we have two cats that are each 9 years old and one is already dealing with diseases of age.

Looking at rugs but really need to see all the furniture in place before we decide.

Next time, pantry is coming together. Hope to have that organized for a pretty pantry pix.

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